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Keyword: bond election

Plans for Queen Creek schools progress in wake of bond …

As the Queen Creek Unified School District comes to terms with voters rejecting a $98 million school bond and the continuation of a maintenance and operations budget override, construction continues …

Vote update shows Queen Creek school bond still …

Queen Creek Unified School District’s $98 million bond proposal and the continuance of a 15% maintenance and operations budget override continue to fail, as more votes are counted.   In …

Glendale hosts second public bond meeting

The city of Glendale hosted its second open house information meeting at Heroes Regional Park Library Community Room last week, with a presentations and staff members from the fire, police, finance and transportation department to share information on the two bond questions for the upcoming election.

Deer Valley Unified looks toward $325 million bond …

The Deer Valley Unified School District is gearing up for its $325 million bond election that will be held Tuesday, Nov. 7.

2 bonds up for question in Surprise special election

The city laid out its plans for the possible use of a total of $100 million in the two questions at a Sept. 19 City Council work session.

Kyrene considers additional bond sale for 2024-25 …

Kyrene School District Governing Board will vote Sept. 12 on approving the sale of $19.5 million in bonds to support various capital improvement projects the district has planned in coming years.

Early literacy slotted as a top priority in Kyrene for …

A new strategic plan takes effect this coming school year in Kyrene School District with targeted priorities, like improving district-wide early literacy and academic equity, employing a “whole learner” approach.

Kyrene Governing Board will put district bond, …

Kyrene School District has authorized a special bond and district additional assistance override election this fall.

Peoria Unified board to discuss possible bond …

Peoria Unified School District Governing Board will receive an update on the possibility of putting a bond authorization on the ballot later this year.

Queen Creek Unified voters down $286M bond proposal

Last night, residents of Queen Creek voted down a $286 million bond proposal for the Queen Creek Unified School District. The no vote came in at 59%. The bond would not have increased property …

Peoria Unified bond committee full speed ahead

By Philip Haldiman, Independent Newsmedia A committee of 13 people have begun the process of providing the Peoria Unified School District Governing Board with a recommendation for a bond …